Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of theTerms and Conditions is to determine rights, obligations, responsibilities, procedures, and other necessary matters between the company and users when using all services of the Beach Train reservation system and Sky Capsule reservation system operated by HaeundaeBlueline Co., Ltd.
Article 2 (Definition)
- ① A site refers to a virtual space set up by the company to provide products or services to users using information and communication devices such as computers and mobiles, and is also used to mean the operator that operates the site.
- ② User refers to a person who accesses the site to reserves and use the services provided by the site in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
Article 3 (Effects and alteration of the terms)
- ① The Terms and Conditions may be amended within the scope that they do not violate the related laws such as "the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions", "the Basic Act on Electronic Transactions", "the Electronic Signature Act", "the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization", and "the Consumer Protection Act".
- ② The Terms and Conditions take effects by posting to the service menu and the company for notification, or by notifying users by e-mail or other methods.
- ③ The Company may change the Terms and Conditions in case of reasonable reasons or unavoidable conditions or circumstances, and if the Terms and Conditions are changed, the reason and date of change shall be notified during the period from 7 days before the effective date to the day before the change of the revised Terms and Conditions. Continued use of the service after the effective date of the revised Terms and Conditions is deemed to be a consent to the changes to the Terms and Conditions.
Article 4 (Rules beyond the Terms and Conditions)
concerning matters not specified in the Terms and Conditions and interpretation of the Terms and Conditions, there will be efforts to negotiate and adjust within the usual scope, and if it is impossible, the compliance shall be with “the Basic Telecommunications Act”, “the Telecommunications Business Act”, and other related laws or customs.
Article 5 (Application of the Terms and Conditions)
- ① The Terms and conditions will be applied together with the regulations of use and separate terms and conditions for the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule services operated and provided by the company. For matters not specified in the Terms and Conditions, the appliance can be made according to the purpose of other related laws and each service-specific terms and conditions.
- ② Scenery Train, Sky Capsule reservations (Scenery Train, Sky Capsule ticket reservations, terms and conditions, etc.) may not hurt customer interests or stipulate unreasonable content.
Article 6 (Defining terminologies)
The definitions of terminologies used in the Terms and Conditions are as follows.
- ① User: Refers to a person who makes a reservation for the Scenery Train, Sky Capsule purchase contract on the website according to the terms and conditions, and a person who purchases the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule license on the site.
- ② Manager: Refers to a person designated by the company for the management and operation of all or part of the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule use rights and services using information and communication facilities such as computers in order for the company to sell the rights to users who want to use the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule use rights.
- ③ Usage fee: Refers to the usage fee collected from usersfor using Scenery Train or Sky Capsule and the service.
- ④ Refund fee: Refers to the amount of money that a user must pay if the user cancels the reservation due to a change in the prior plan or other things on the use of Scenery Train and Sky Capsule, or if the user cannot use the ticket on the date and time of the reservation due to failure to arrive at the specified date.
- ⑤ Group customers: Refers to the case where there is a ticket purchaser of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule on behalf of 30 or more persons that will use the services at the same time in the same round.
Article 7 (Establishment of use contract, reservation rules and conclusion)
- ① Scenery Train, Sky Capsule use contract shall take effects from the point of time when the user agrees to the Terms and Conditions and when a member stipulated in Article 4 completes the payment of the usage fee after prior internet reservation and purchases Scenery Train or Sky Capsule on site.
- ② Your agreement to the Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be granted by clicking 'OK' in the confirmation box for the agreement to the Terms and Conditions after reading the Terms and Conditions and checking the box of "I agree to the Terms and Conditions" when applying for reservations for Scenery Train and Sky Capsule.
- ③ The contract for using Scenery Train or Sky Capsule begins when the user completes the contract for use through the procedure for using Scenery Train or Sky Capsule determined by the administrator. The establishment shall continue until the end of the contract for use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule determined by the company.Even at the point when the contract for using Scenery Train or Sky Capsule is completed at will, if it is found that it violates the Terms and Conditions, the contract shall be invalidated and the company can unilaterally restrict the use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule as soon as it finds this.In addition, if the company registers the user as a bad user through an activity prohibited by the company, the user may be disqualified for sanctions against the bad use or to prevent other victims.
Article 8 (Application for use)
① Customers who wish to use the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule must provide the following information requested by the company.
Required fields: 1. Name / 2. Phone number / 3. E-MAIL
- ② All users must make a reservation through their name and phone number, and reservations registered with other one than their real name are not legally protected. In addition, the use of such services, such as the use of Scenery Train and Sky Capsule, will be restricted and may be subject to punishment in accordance with relevant laws.
Article 9 (Restrictions on reservation and use)
- ① If a customer apply for use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule,the Company may approve it In accordance with Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions with the exception of the following paragraphs 2 and 3, if there is no business or technical problem.
- ② The company may put some restrictions on the use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule in the following cases.
- If the application is not made in real name or made in the name of another person
- If false information is provided for a reservation
- If a purpose or similar act of hurting a social order, stability, or good practices
- If it is judgedat discretion of a manager that there is a risk of causing problems in safety of individuals or all users while using Scenery Train or Sky Capsule
- If it is judged that a user is not in a sober state due to excessive drinking so that he/she cannot be properly guided by a manager, or it is judged that it may cause safety problems in operation of the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule
- If it is judged that it may affect the company's Scenery Train, Sky Capsule service, and other services
- If there is some other problems with properly approving the use due to reasons on the part of the customer who applies for Scenery Train or Sky Capsule use
- If the applied customer is registered as a bad user of PC communication and Internet service with the Information Communication Ethics Committee
- If there are more people on board than the maximum number of persons that is duly supposedto be on board in use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule regardless of the number restrictions specified out there
- If the requirements set by other companies in using Scenery Train or Sky Capsule are not satisfied
- ③ If a Scenery Train or Sky Capsule use contract falls under any of the following items, the Company may reserve the use of the Scenery Train or the Sky Capsule until the reasons of the restrictions on the use of the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule service are resolved.
- When it is technically impossible to provide Scenery Train or Sky Capsule services for users
- If it is judged that it may affect the company's Scenery Train, Sky Capsule service and other services
- If it is difficult to provide Scenery Train or Sky Capsule services for other reasons
- If the company's image may be negatively affected due to facility problems
- When it is difficult to provide the services due to local weather and seasonal effects
- ④ In the event that the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule use contract is not accepted or put under restrictions, the company shall immediately notify the customer of it pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2.
Article 10 (Personal Information Protection)
- ① The company's personal information protection policy complies with the provisions of personal information protection in accordance with the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Information Protection, etc.”.
- ② The company keeps the number of managers to the minimum for the protection of users' personal information, and is responsible for all damages to the applicant for use caused by loss, theft, leakage, or alteration of user personal information due to intention or negligence of the company.
- ③ When the purpose of personal information collection or receipt is achieved, the company destroys the personal information without delay.
Article 11 (Company's obligations and rights)
- ① If the company acknowledges that opinions or complaints raised by users are legitimate, it must process them immediately. However, if immediate processing is difficult, the user must be notified of the reason and processing schedule.
- ② The company complies with the personal information protection policy for the protection of personal information.
- ③ In order to provide continuous and stable services, the company repairs or restores without delay when there is a failure or loss of the facility in use. However, in case of natural disaster, emergency or other unavoidable circumstances, the service may be temporarily stopped or suspended.
- ④ The Company strives to provide convenience to users in the procedures and contents related to contracts with users, such as making a Scenery Train or Sky Capsule use contract, and changing and terminating contract details.
- ⑤ The company must establish technical and administrative measures necessary to ensure stability in handling user's personal information in accordance with the personal information protection policy.
Article 12 (User's obligations)
- ① The user must immediately notify the company of any changes in the contract such as name and contact information.
- ② Users must comply with the Terms and Conditions and the use of services and notes notified by the company.
- ③ Users shall not communicate in each of the following subparagraphs, which hurts public order or good practices.
- Content with the purpose of intending to do criminal activities or instigating criminal activities
- Content with the purpose of performing actions against national interests
- Content that harms good manners or practices or other social order
- ④ Users must comply with the Terms and Conditions and laws related to telecommunications, and must not engage in any other acts that significantly harm the company's business performance.
- ⑤ Users cannot conduct business activities such as advertising or sales of a particular product within the site without the company's permission, and the company is not responsible for the results arising from sales activities or associated or supporting actions.
- ⑥ Users cannot use all or part of the services without prior approval from the company.
- ⑦ Users must not do the following when using the services.
- Acts of using the information obtained from the provided service for reproduction or providing it to a second party without prior consent of the company through copying, processing, transformation, translation, performance, broadcasting, exhibition, distribution, publication and secondary copyright, etc. other than their personal use
- Acts of infringing the copyright and other rights of the company or a third party
- Acts of hurting fame or interests of others
- Acts of causing a request for correction to be issued from a government or public institutions
- Acts of stealing or illegally using other users' user names and phone numbers
- Acts of distributing ‘information, sentences, figures or other things of vulgar or obscene content that are against public order, good manners or practices’to others by sending, posting, e-mail, or other means
- Acts of distributing ‘contents infringing on another's patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights’ to others by posting, e-mail, or other means
- Acts of collecting or storing personal information of other users without approval from the company
- Acts that violate other related laws
Article 13 (Restrictions on use of the website, etc.)
- ① The company may delete the post or restrict the use of all or part of the service if the user falls under any of the following items.
- If the user's obligations under the provisions of Article 12 are not fulfilled
- When transmitting a large amount of information for the purpose of hindering the stable operation of the service or continuously transmitting advertising information against the intention of the recipient
- In case of distributing computer virus programs that cause malfunction of information and communication facilities or destruction of information
- In case of infringing the intellectual property rights of the company, other users or third parties
- When receiving a correction request from the Information Communication Ethics Committee or receiving an authoritative interpretation from the Election Commission in connection with an illegal election campaign
- When stealing another person's name or phone number
- When the information obtained by using the service information is reproduced, distributed, or commercially used without prior consent of the company
- When violating telecommunication-related laws
- When violating the other terms and conditions for use set by the company, including the Terms and Conditions
- For youth under the age of 19: For certain services, if it does not fall under the rating of 19-year-old viewers (eligible for those over 19 years old) according to the rating classification prescribed by the “Act on Records, Video and Game Products”
- ② In the case of putting a restriction on users for the use pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1, specific criteria such as the type and period of post deletion or restriction shall be determined separately.
- ③ The Company may allow other PC communication and Internet service providers to access through the bad user DB of the Information and Communication Ethics Committee to information on the names, phone numbers, and reasons for restrictions of users who have been under the restriction due to the reasons specified in Paragraph 1.
- ④ In order to maintain the sound operation of the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule reservation system and fair e-commerce transactions, restrictions are applied as in each subparagraph.
- In line with the internet reservation system, reservations can only be made through the website or mobile web.
- Ticket issuance may be subject to the restrictions if a manager determines that boarding is impossible, which may be the case with teenagers or children.
- When reselling the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule tickets to another person
- If it causes a significant trouble to the normal operation of the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule reservation system
- When Scenery Train or Sky Capsule booking manager deems it necessary for other reasons
- A. Providing false information on contact information (phone number, etc.): Cause delay in timely contact in case of emergency
- B. One or more extension of reservations after reservations via no passbook wire transfer of payment: Causing delay in identifying end users
Article 14 (Restrictions on use and cancellation procedures)
- ① If the Company intends to put restrictions on the use according to the provisions of Article 13, the reason, date, and period shall be determined and notified to the user or agent by e-mail, writing, or telephone until 7 days before the suspension of use. However, this is not the case if it is admitted that it is necessary to stop using it urgently.
- ② A user or his/her agent who has been notified of suspension of use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule pursuant to Paragraph 1 may file an objection if there is any objection to the notification of suspension of use of the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule.
- ③ The Company may temporarily postpone the suspension of use until the period for confirmation of objections pursuant to Paragraph 2, and notify the result to the user or his/her agent.
- ④ If it is confirmed that the reason for the suspension has been resolved during the suspension period, the company will immediately cancel the suspension.
Article 15 (Change of use and reservation details)
- ① If a user wants to change the payment method, he/she must cancel the existing reservation for Scenery Train or Sky Capsule service and make a new reservation.
- ② If a user wants to change the reservation details for Scenery Train or Sky Capsule (number of vehicles used, etc.), he/she must cancel the existing reservation and make a new reservation reflecting the change he/she wants.
- ③ The reservation change details can be checked on the internet reservation site without any separate notification provided, and the manager is not responsible for any matters arising from not confirming the reservation change details.
Article 16 (Cancellation of use)
- ① When a user wants to cancel a reservation for Scenery Train or Sky Capsule, he/she must file a request for cancellation of the reservation directly through the website.
- ② When a cancellation request is received in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1, the Company cancels the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule reservation by processing the request as quickly as possible.
- ③ When a cancellation is made for a user on a Scenery Train or Sky Capsule reservation, a refund must be made in accordance with the refund policy of Article 26 unless it falls under Article 24 (4).
Article 17 (Use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule facilities)
- ① For the company's Scenery Train or Sky Capsule facility usage fee, the Scenery Train standard fee set by the company refers to the one-time use fee and the number of admissions (re-boarding at the same station is not allowed) varies depending on the ticket type, while Sky Capsule means the one-time one-way fee.
- ② The contract for using Scenery Train or Sky Capsule can be made by selecting the date, time and units of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule that the user want to use according to the reservation procedure set on the website.
- ③ Those eligible for Scenery Train and Sky Capsule discounts are as follows: (only for offline ticketing)
- 30% discounts for weekdays, 10% discounts for weekends/holidays
Busan citizens
- 10% discount for weekdays
- 30% discounts for weekdays, 10% discounts for weekends/holidays
- Only for handicapped welfare card holders
Group discount
- A group of 30 or more persons is eligible for a 10% discount on the normal rate. (Excluding Peak season)
- ④ Scenery Train or Sky Capsule facility use and payment are made in accordance with the payment method separately determined by the company.
- ⑤ The payment method in use of Scenery Train and Sky Capsule facilities can be made by credit card or online account transfer.
Article 19 (User's name and phone number management)
- ① The user is responsible for all management of the user's name and phone number.
- ② If a user’s name and phone number are used by someone else without permission, the user must notify the company of the fact.
- ③ The user is responsible for any negligence in use or illegal use by a third party relating to the name and phone number that is given by the user. However, this is not the case if there is intentional or materialnegligence of the company.
- ④ Whenever the user terminates the use of our service, the user must correctly terminate the connection or do log-out to end log-in state. The company shall not be held accountable for any damages or losses arising as a result of the use of information about the user by a third party due to not correctly terminating.
Article 20 (Provision of information)
- ① The company may provide a variety of information that the user deems necessary while using the service to the member through notice or e-mail.
Article 21 (Service Hours)
- ① The use of Scenery Train, Sky Capsule and its services is in principle to be used once (at the time specified on the date the user makes a reservation) unless there is a special problem in the company's business or technology, and there is a difference in the number of admissions (with no re-boarding at the same station) for Scenery Train tickets depending on the ticket type. However, this is not the case for regular inspections, emergency measures, unexpected natural disasters, accidents, and the time when the company needs service inspection and action.
- ② The company can split the service into a certain range and set the available time for each range separately. In this case, the contents will be notified via prior notice.
Article 22 (Posting advertisements and transactions with advertisers)
- ① Part of the service investment base that enables the company to provide services to users comes from revenue through posted advertisements. Anyone who intends to use the service is considered to agree to the posting of advertisements exposed when using the service.
- ② The Company shall not be held accountable for any loss or damage arising as a result of the user's participation,communication or transactions in the promotional activities of advertisers posted on or through this service.
Article 23(Suspension of use and provision of services, etc.)
- ① the services in the following cases:
- In inevitable cases due to construction works for repair, maintenance or things like that related to the use or service facilitiesof Scenery Train or Sky Capsule
- When the telecommunications service is suspended by the telecommunications service provider specified in the “Telecommunications Business Act”
- In case of other force majeure reasons
- ② The Company may take a measure to restrict or suspend all or part of the service when there is a problem with the normal use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule and the use of the service due to a national emergency, power outage, failure of service facilities, or explosive increase in service use.
- ③ When the Company take a measure to restrict or suspend the use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule and the use of the service pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2, the company shall notify the user of the reason and the restriction period without delay.
Article 24 (Damage compensation regulations)
- ① The Company shall not be held accountable for any damages incurred to users except for criminal acts intentionally committed by the Company in connection with the use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule and the use of its services.
- ② In case that various objections has been filed against the company, including claims for damages and lawsuits, from third parties other than a user who have signed a Scenery Train or Sky Capsule use contract due to illegal acts done by users in using Scenery Train or Sky Capsule and using its services, the user who has signed the contract must make efforts to indemnify the company. If the user fails to indemnify the company, the user must compensate the company for the damage.
- ③ If a user who has signed a Scenery Train or Sky Capsule use contract causes physical or image damage to the company by doing an act prohibited by the company, the company deprives the user of his/her rights to use the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule as well as can impose legal accountability on the user for the damages.
- ④ The Scenery Train or Sky Capsule manger must cancel the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule contract and provide a refund even after the cancellation deadline in the following cases.
- When it is not possible to use Scenery Train or Sky Capsule due to technical problems in using Scenery Train and Sky Capsule
- When the operation stopsas Scenery Train or Sky Capsulecannot be used due to natural disasters or any other unavoidable causes (It runs normally on rainy days)
- ⑤ If a Scenery Train or Sky Capsule use contract is canceled in accordance with the provisions of Article 26, the manager cancels the user's reservation and put the cancelled user on the priority listof the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule user allocation schedule for the user to be addressed for arrangement with priority and assigned first to the subsequent available date for the use of the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule in principle.
Article 25 (Disclaimers)
- ① If the Company is unable to provide the use of Scenery Train and Sky Capsule facilities and provide its services due to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure, the Company shall be exempted from accountability for providing the use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule facilities and related services.
- ② The company is not accountable for any obstacles in the use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule facilities and the use of its services due to reasons attributable to the user.
- ③ The Company is not be held accountable for any loss of profits expected by users of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule facilities from using the service, or for damages caused by data obtained through the service.
- ④ The company is not accountable for the reliability and accuracy of information, data, facts, and other things posted on the service by users of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule facilities.
- ⑤ The Company is not be held accountable for damages caused by the user's intention or negligence among the damages incurred to users in connection with the use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule facilities and the r services.
- ⑥ The company is exempted from accountability for any product transactions that might have been made between users or between users and a third party through services.
- ⑦ The company is not accountable for any damages caused by negligence in the management and use of the user's name and phone number or for illegal use by a third party.
Article 26 (Refund policy)
- ① Refund on reservations for use of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule will be subject to the refund policy in order to establish a correct reservation culture.
- ② Scenery Train and Sky Capsule reservation managers must always post the cancellation policy on the specific screen of the Scenery Train and Sky Capsule reservation service, and must specify and indicate the cancellation deadline for each reservation.
- ③ For cancellations after booking a Scenery Train or Sky Capsule ticket, a refund fee will be charged to the user at a fixed rate according to the cancellation date.
- If canceled 3 days before the date of use, the full amount is refunded (no refund fee)
- If canceled 2 days before the date of use, 80% of full amount is refunded (20% refund fee)
- If canceled 1 day before the date of use, 70% of full amount is refunded (30% refund fee)
- If canceled before the time of departure, 50% of full amount is refunded (50% refund fee)
- If canceled after the time of departure, no amount is refunded (100% refund fee)
- If canceled within an hour after payment has been done, no refund fee is applicable. Cancellation and refund provision of Paragraph 1 through 5 is applicable for other refund cases.
- ④ When it is impossible to provide the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule use according to the provisions of Article 24 (4), the manager must refund the full contract amount, excluding the refund policy.
Article 27 (Dispute Resolution)
- ① Scenery Train or, Sky Capsule managersput a customer support team in establishment and operation as a damage compensation processing organization to reflect legitimate opinions or complaints raised by users and compensate for the damage.
- ② Scenery Train or Sky Capsule managers shall process complaints and comments from users in priority. However, if there is an obstacle to prompt processing, the user will be notified immediately of the reason and processing schedule.
- ③ For resolution of, the Scenery Train or Sky Capsule manager may comply with the mediation of the Electronic Transaction Dispute Commission established by the “Electronic Transactions Basic Act” and the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.
Article 28 (Jurisdiction court)
- ① When a lawsuit is filed in association with a dispute arising from the use/service of Scenery Train and Sky Capsule facilities, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the company's headquarters shall be the competent court.
- ② Korean law applies to e-commerce lawsuits filed between operators and users of Scenery Train or Sky Capsule facilities use/service providers.
(Effective date) The terms and conditions will be effective from September 1, 2020.